White Oak Herringbone Install in Long Island City

Herringbone White Oak Install

NYC New Hardwood Flooring Installation

Herringbone White Oak Install


The white oak tree can grow up to 150 feet, but it averages between 80 and 100 feet high, roughly the same as an 8-story building. When first cut, the interior wood is very light, almost white, thus its name. It is the state tree in three states, but New York’s is the sugar maple. White oak has a high hardness rating and is prized for floors. This Long Island City homeowner selected it in the intricate herringbone style, which adds a captivating style.

The tongue-and-groove design for this pattern has been around since the Bronze Age and is found in tombs in Egypt and old brick roads of the Roman Empire. It’s a fascinating fusion of history, nature, beauty and exquisite craftsmanship. Our team expertly evaluates the space, calculates the measurements and organizes the entire project before laying one slat. Such preparation is imperative to achieve the final result seen here — a natural hardwood oak floor with exquisite wood grains in this historic geometric pattern. It is fitting, don’t you think, in a city more than a century and a half old itself.

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